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This course will give you an introduction to the psychology sector through applied learning: you will learn about theories of psychology, what makes us think and behave the way we do, and how we can research this. Topics studied include: Year 1: Unit 1: Psychological Approaches and Applications: Learners will explore four key approaches in psychology -; social, cognitive, learning and biological -; and apply these approaches to issues relevant to contemporary society including aggression, business and gender identity. This unit is externally assessed through a 1.5 hour exam. Unit 2: Conducting Psychological Research Learners develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the scientific process and in psychological research methodology through their own psychological research project. This unit is internally assessed through a written report. Year Two: Unit 3: Health Psychology – Learners explore psychological approaches, theories and studies related to lifestyle choices, unhealthy behaviours and behavioural change, including stress, addiction and how to deal with these. This unit is externally assessed through a 2 hour exam. Unit 4/5/6/7: Optional Unit from: Criminal and Forensic Psychology Promoting Children’;s Psychology Development. Introduction to Psychopathology. Applied Sport Psychology This unit is internally assessed through a written report
You need a minimum of five GCSEs at 9-4 including grade 4 in English Language and Maths. In order to succeed on this course students will need: • Good reading and writing skills • Confidence in maths and dealing with data • An interest in finding out about people: do you like ‘people- watching’;? If you do, you’;d like Psychology. • An interest in life and people, an enthusiastic attitude to study and learning, and a willingness to work hard.
Applied Psychology goes particularly well with lots of different groupings of subjects, because it counts as an arts or science subject. It is often studied alongside Biology, Sociology, Criminology, Law, Maths or English. Applied Psychology goes with almost any combination of subjects. With Applied Psychology, many people will go to university to study Psychology or Psychology related subjects: Sports Psychology and Clinical Psychology, for example. It also is a great course for a wide range of other courses as it gives you strong research and critical thinking skills. Students who study psychology go on to a wide range of psychology and non-psychology related careers, e.g: clinical psychology, human resources, teaching, medicine, physiotherapy, law, social work and marketing – to name just a few.
Through both externally assessed exams and internally assessed work.
You will need to develop the ability to: • Ask questions, evaluate and criticise theories and studies • To be organised and meet deadlines • Seek and act on feedback • Listen carefully to the views of others