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This course aims to develop students’; awareness and critical understanding of society. It’;s about the way social factors such as families, the education system and beliefs shape our thinking and behaviour. In the first year students will study: • Education • Research Methods • Families and Households In addition to the topics covered in the first year, in the second year students’; will study: • Beliefs in Society • Crime and Deviance • Theory and Methods A range of teaching and learning styles is used during the course. Formal lessons are combined with discussion, task-based learning, independent learning tasks and video, all pitched at a level appropriate to students’; knowledge and understanding of sociological issues. 1:1 support is available to all students.
You need a minimum of five GCSEs at 9-4, including grade 4 in English Language and Maths. No previous knowledge of Sociology is required, but students should have an enquiring mind and an interest in the world around them.
Other social science subjects such as Politics, Psychology, History or Criminology combine well with Sociology. There is also some crossover between the topics covered at A Level with Law and Media, but this qualification can be successfully combined with a very wide range of A Levels. Sociology helps students develop an analytical approach to issues, which is a useful life skill. It is a recognised academic subject and an excellent preparation for all social science and many other courses at university or college. It is particularly useful for careers in education, nursing, social work, the criminal justice system, local government, marketing and human resources.
By three exams held in the summer at the end of the second year: • Education with Theory and Methods – 33.3% of total mark. • Topics in Sociology (includes Families and Households and Beliefs in Society) – 33.3% of total mark. • Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods – 33.3% of total mark. All three exams are held in the summer at the end of the second year.
To succeed in Sociology students will need to absorb theoretical information, apply it to contemporary society, and write about it in a fluent way. Students will also participate in small group or class discussions.