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Level 2

Uniformed Services | NCFE Diploma for Entry to the Uniformed Services | Level 2


Our Level 2 Uniformed Services course will prepare you for careers working with people by developing skills such as communication, fitness, teamwork and leadership. In 2018 our Broadwater Campus officially opened its Combined Cadet Force Unit (Royal Navy). By studying our uniformed services courses, you will join the Cadet Force, which is an adventure activity-focused programme.

You will also be issued with a uniform and take part in regular parades.

Key features

  • Northbrook College was the first FE college to offer the Combined Cadet Force (Royal Navy) cadetship
  • We received the RAF platinum award for providing outstanding cadets
  • Taught by expert tutors
  • Guest speakers from uniformed services


To start at Level 2 you will need least 3 GCSEs at grade 3 or above, including English and maths.


Our range of leisure and hobby courses keeps growing, with even more fun and exciting courses starting throughout 2025.
