Our range of leisure and hobby courses keeps growing, with even more fun and exciting courses starting throughout 2025.
This 1-year course is suitable for anyone who has not yet met the entry requirements for any of our other courses. It is ideal for those who feel less confident about studying or who would benefit from working in a smaller more flexible environment with support, and is also suitable for anyone who has been out of education. The course is made up of a range of interesting units leading to Level 2 certificates in employability skills and occupational studies for the workplace, with no exams. The course is a good stepping-stone towards higher level study at the college, or into an apprenticeship or employment.
It is an NCFE Certificate in Occupational Study in the Workplace with units of study covering the following unit titles:
• Communication skills for business
• Using Email
• Word processing software
• Working in a team In order to provide the best progression options, this certificate will be taken alongside the certificate in Employability Skills. We link closely with our Progression + Team to offer advice about next steps, interview techniques, CV production and applying for jobs. As well as this, we make links with local employers and can support you if you are looking for work experience. English and Maths GCSE retakes for students who have not yet achieved a grade 4 in either or both subjects. Academic skills support sessions covering effective writing, reading, working with numbers and study skills for effective learning.
As a part of this course, all learners will participate in a personal development and work-related experience (Concordia). Back by the National Citizen Service, this experience helps set students apart when applying for jobs and gives them a compelling edge in future applications and interviews, opening doors to to exciting career opportunities. The experience focusses on eight core skills: listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, aiming high, staying positive, leadership and teamwork. This experience gives students on this course a chance to be active, learn new skills and build new friendships which will support them with their academic and personal growth whilst at college.
You will need a minimum of two GCSEs at Grade 3.
The course is intended to be accessible to a wide range of learners of all abilities, especially those who have been out of education, or those who need additional level two qualifications, or those who want to be ‘work ready’ by acquiring additional transferrable soft skills.
It is made up of two related qualifications: Level 2 Certificate in Employability Skills and Level 2 Certificate in Occupational Studies for the Workplace and can be studied alongside English and Maths GCSE if a Grade 4 has not already been achieved.
Upon completion of this course, students will be in a position to apply for a range of Further Education A Level / Level 2 Courses, T Levels or Apprenticeships.
Lessons include a mix of individual and group work, class discussions and project work to engage and develop a broad variety of learning styles and preferences. Each learner must create a portfolio of evidence generated from appropriate assessment tasks which demonstrates achievement of all the learning outcomes associated with each unit.