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Level 3

AQA L3 A Level in Chemistry


A Level Chemistry is a rigorous, rewarding course that builds on the concepts and skills developed at GCSE. In your first year you will learn about atomic structure, moles, bonding, energetics, kinetics, equilibria, periodicity, hydrocarbons, alcohols, halogenoalkanes and equilibria. In year 2 you will progress to more complex topics such as thermodynamics, transition metals, aromatic chemistry and acids, bases and buffers. You will experience a range of teaching styles, including whole class teaching, group work and independent study tasks. The course will enable you to develop critical thinking through problem solving. Through experimental work and interpretation of your results, you will understand the unifying ideas in chemistry. You will develop your ability to communicate through discussion, writing, summarising, using formulae, graphs and calculations. You will use models to help you understand reactions at a molecular level. Through background reading and wider research, you will develop an appreciation of the social, environmental, economic and technological importance of chemistry.


You need a minimum of five GCSEs at 9-4, including grade 4 in English Language, grade 6 in Maths and a 6 in Chemistry plus a 6 in another Science. You need to be fully confident with all chemistry topics covered at GCSE. You also need good mathematical skills -; at least a grade 6 in GCSE. You should be interested in the importance of science in modern society and enjoy practical work.


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